20 - 21 April 2024, Myanmar

Empowering Myanmar Youth:
A National Dialogue
on Biodiversity

Just A Few Words

About The Event

Myanmar is a globally recognized biodiversity hotspot due to its diverse ecosystems that support many species unique to Southeast Asia. But like many other landscapes, Myanmar has faced significant biodiversity loss and deforestation driven by agricultural expansion, mining and other infrastructure development. The 2021 military coup accelerated these threats on conservation programs and illegal activities, such as heavy rare earth mining in Kachin and illegal logging in Tanintharyi, on a massive scale, posing urgent and significant threats on the country’s ecosystem and biodiversity.

Conservation efforts in Myanmar have traditionally been top-down, often neglecting the voices and perspectives of young people and vulnerable groups. Recent global conservation progress, as highlighted by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, offers a hope and direction for youth leadership in biodiversity. In the face of Myanmar’s complex political and social landscape following the coup, young people are rising to the challenge, showcasing their leadership and determination to create a better environment. 




20 -21 April, 2024

Empowering youth to lead biodiversity conservation in Myanmar is not just an option; it’s an absolute necessity. Young people bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and boundless enthusiasm to the table invaluable assets in tackling the complex challenges of conservation. The recent rise of youth-led organizations post-coup positions them perfectly to connect with local communities whose cultural practices often intertwine with critical wildlife habitats. They possess a deep understanding of their communities’ needs and challenges, bridging the gap between conservation initiatives and the people who depend on these ecosystems for their livelihoods.

Have A Look At The

Event Schedule

Day 1
Understanding the Challenges

20 April, 2024
7:00 PM MMT

Welcome and Introduction

Speaker: Zaw Win Naing

Executive Director

Youth Navigator


7:15 PM MMT

Keynote Address: Global Youth Biodiversity Movement

Speaker: Christian

Global Coordinator


7:30 PM MMT

Panel Discussions: Conservation Challenges and Urgency in Myanmar

Moderator : Htet Htet

Technical Supervisor at Youth Navigator

Co-Chair at GYBN Myanmar

8:15 PM MMT


8:50 PM MMT

Open Dialogue: Our Shared Concerns

Facilitator: Ban Ban

Earth Programme Lead

Youth Navigator

Day 2
Ways Forward

21, April, 2024
7:00 PM MMT

Day 1 Recap & Day 2 Introduction

Moderator: Ko Naing

Earth Programme Co-lead

Youth Navigator

7:15 PM MMT

Brainstorming : Youth-led Conservation Solutions


8:00 PM MMT

Shaping Our Future

Facilitator: Htet Htet

Technical Supervisor at Youth Navigator

Co-Chair at GYBN Myanmar

Summary Note Taker: Ko Thant

Operation Head

Youth Navigator

8:20 PM MMT


8:50 PM MMT

Closing Remarks & Next Steps

Speaker: Htet Htet

Technical Supervisor at Youth Navigator

Co-Chair at GYBN Myanmar

These are our Panelists

Christian Schwarzer

Global Biodiversity Youth Network

Saw Frankie Abreu

Director and Founder
Tenasserim River and Indigenous People's Network (TRIPNET)

Dr. Naw May Lay Thant

Secretary & Deputy CEO
Myanmar Biodiversity Fund

Hla Naing

Independent Conservation Consultant

Event Organizers

GYBN Myanmar

The Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) is an international network of youth organizations and individuals from all over the world whose common goal is to prevent the loss of biodiversity. GYBN aims to represent the voice of global youth in the negotiations under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), raise awareness among young people of the values of biodiversity, and connects individuals and youth organizations in order to build a global coalition to halt the loss of biodiversity. Established in 2022 as an official GYBN chapter, GYBN Myanmar focuses on raising awareness about biodiversity conservation’s importance in Myanmar. We also aim to build young people’s capacity in conservation skills and advocacy, contributing to national and global efforts to conserve the country’s biodiversity and ecosystem. GYBN Myanmar has successfully collaborated with YN on a basic environmental concept training series.

Youth Navigator

YN Primary Logo

Established in August 2021, Youth Navigator (YN) is a young network of passionate and

dedicated young individuals in Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Following the 2021 military

coup, numerous university and high school students, including our founding members, did not continue their education under the military regime. Recognizing the limited educational opportunities and resources available in remote ethnic areas like Kachin State, especially after the coup, we founded YN to offer alternative pathways for young people’s education and empowerment. 

On 12th June , 2023, we launched the Earth Programme, focusing on environmental education and awareness, participatory action research and empowering young people to lead conservation initiatives to address pressing environmental challenges and the biodiversity crisis in our region. Since launching the Earth Program, we have successfully delivered basic environmental training courses and assessments, laying the foundation for our upcoming initiatives in biodiversity conservation and youth empowerment.